Southend Mosque

Behavior Policy

Islamic Behavior Code – Southend Mosque School

Our Core Values:

  1. Respect and Kindness: Uphold a culture of respect and kindness towards all members of the school community, embodying the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  2. Responsibility and Accountability: Take responsibility for one’s actions and their impact on others, fostering a sense of accountability for personal conduct and the welfare of the school environment.
  3. Learning and Growth: Embrace a commitment to learning and personal growth, valuing education as a means to develop character, knowledge, and skills essential for success in both this life and the hereafter.
  4. Unity and Community: Foster unity and a sense of belonging within the school community, recognizing the strength that comes from diversity and mutual support among students, staff, and parents.

Guidelines for Conduct:

  • Respectful Interaction: Treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of differences in opinion, background, or belief.
  • Stewardship of Resources: Care for school property, including books, pens, and facilities, demonstrating appreciation for the resources provided for learning.
  • Conflict Resolution: Resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively, seeking mediation from senior teachers or counselors when necessary to promote understanding and reconciliation.
  • Modesty and Decorum: Maintain modesty in attire and behavior, upholding Islamic values of humility and dignity in all aspects of school life.

Consequences for Violations:

  1. Verbal Warning: Initial reminder and counseling session for minor infractions.
  2. Parental Involvement: Discussion with parents for repeated or more serious offenses, involving them in devising strategies for improvement.
  3. Detention or Referral: Assignment of detention or referral to a senior teacher for continued misconduct, with a focus on reflection and behavior modification.
  4. Temporary Removal from Class: In cases of persistent disruption or serious breaches of conduct, temporary removal from class may be deemed necessary, accompanied by additional disciplinary measures as appropriate.

Enforcement Measures:

Regular reinforcement of core values through classroom discussions, assemblies, and special events. Open communication channels between school administration, teachers, students, and parents to address behavioral concerns promptly and effectively. Proactive engagement with students to identify and address underlying issues contributing to misconduct, providing support and guidance where needed. Continuous review and refinement of policies and disciplinary procedures to ensure consistency, fairness, and effectiveness in maintaining a positive learning environment.

By upholding these principles and adhering to the established guidelines for conduct, we aim to create a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment at Southend Mosque School, where every student can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.
